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edmonday – Every Day is Monday

Dopamine and a boost of energy go hand-in-hand.The hormone is mainly responsible for the feelings such as pleasure, excitement, and happiness.

Energy Drink Regular

Dopamine and a boost of energy go hand-in-hand.The hormone is mainly responsible for the feelings such as pleasure, excitement, and happiness.

Energy Drink Sugar Free

Dopamine and a boost of energy go hand-in-hand.The hormone is mainly responsible for the feelings such as pleasure, excitement, and happiness.

Energy Drink Cold Brew
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Welcome to edmonday

Dopamine and a boost of energy go hand-in-hand. The hormone is mainly responsible for the feelings such as pleasure, excitement, and happiness. Let’s be honest, we all want these three things in our lives, and what better way to gain themthan by hitting just a shot of an energy drink.

Studies have shown that energy drinks are likely to increase your performance at the gym or on the football field. Sports and energy drinks have had a strong bond for many years now and they have been responsible for the development of many notable sports personalities.

Be it, Kobe Bryant, from NBA, or the Yankees from Baseball, they all use special drinks to boost their motivation and energy. We all have seen how these major league players perform on the highest levels. Even LeBron James and Sachin Tendulkar from India have admitted to the use of these energy drinks for a boost.

With the current wave of sports enthusiasts, you really don’t want to miss out on all the action. What if you miss outon drinking these instant energy shots and underperform due to a lack of stamina? Wouldn’t that be a major disappointment?

Even if you are a soccer mom, you need that kick in your drink that refreshes your mind and boosts your strength to deal with daily activities. Edmonday is an energy drink that is mainly

based on providing you the boost you need to work yourself on and off the field. Gone are the days when you felt lazy and dull about going to practice or completing your house chores.

You will be at your highest energy level and enjoy the whole week with just a can of Edmondy. So, grab an Edmonday and start the journey to having a week full of energy and thrill because you just can’t miss out on this!

What we Are?

We are a privately owned beverage company that specializes in energy drinks. We have state-of-the-art machinery and the best nutritionist in the world who formulate the best energy drinks for our consumers.

Understandably, most people need that edge in either sports or everyday life. Even if you are a mom who is usually really tired of all the chores you do daily, you must try Edmonday to start your week and with daily use, you are guaranteed to enjoy the doze of energy it will give you.

Why Edmonday?

Like every other sports person’s question, people inquire about why should we consume energy drinks in the first place.

We feel highly responsible and accountable to thoroughly explain how our product can change people’s lives for the better and the efficiency it can create in a regular day.


The quality of the product is top-notch. You won’t have to worry about any potential side effects of the product.


Generally, these drinks taste quite strong and most people find it hard to push it through their system. The addition of different tastes in our products makesthemdevourable.


Our product is packaged using the proper safety standards to retain carbonation and protect them from getting contaminated.

Customer Service

If you feel that we are lacking anything in our products or you have any ideas, you can always contact our support team. We’d love to hear your feedback.


Our products are easily available at retail shops and our designated suppliers. You won’t have to order them from a certain channel and wait for them to be delivered.

Order Facility

We allow our customers to directly order from our company and have it delivered to their doorstep which is an added benefit.

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